Sunday, November 12, 2006

More Football Than I Bargained For

This Saturday was one of the best Saturdays of football that I can ever remember. Arkansas beat Tenessee by a whole bunch and Louisville, Auburn, Cal, and Texas all lost. This means the Razorbacks will be significantly climbing in the polls as well as in the BCS standings. Another contributor to this great football day was that ESPN Game Day was filmed right here in Fayetteville. Now, I realize this is not news to many of you. The highlight of this Saturday came at 10:55, just before Corso wore the Razorpig head and held up that weird little razorpig head on a stick as he picked Arkansas to win...I finally passed this kidney stone that I've been working on since Nov. 1st (which is exactly two years to the day that I passed my first kidney stone). I felt it was very fitting that in this awesome day of football my stone passed in the almost perfect shape of a football. Kind of crazy that it came at 10:55 and then all this great football took place. Anyway, I think I'm going to carry it around with me through the rest of the season. If anyone wants to rub on it to bring our Razorbacks a little extra luck just let me know.

And here is the most recent Crag pic.


Anonymous said...

Great pics. We miss seeing the colors now that we live down south.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I haven't seen that amber urine color for a long time.

You must have had to work pretty hard to shoot that thing out.

David W. Davis said...

You never cease to amaze me. What a pic! I don't know whether to admire you or fear you, but I do know I don't envy you.

Nate's Nonsense said...

I wish I knew about the kidney stone charm. I need to read your blog more often. You should save it for next year.