Friday, September 22, 2006

Recent Happenings

So, I'm liking these "Messin with Sasquach" beef jerky comercials. Mostly I like them because they remind me of my college days at John Brown. There was this guy in my friend group who was large and hairy and we called him Seabass. We used to play pranks (just the kind that were fun and not mean) on him and then he would clobber us. I always knew the beating was coming but it was still worth it. Usually it wasn't my idea but somehow I was the first guy he came after. Or maybe just the slowest. Anyway, here's to you Seabass and if you read this, I miss you buddy. So, hope you all are well. Carrie and I are well. Fall is just around the corner and we're quite excited about that. Labor Day weekend brought a trip to the Buffalo with Community Group friends. We hiked the Hide Out Hollow Trail and it was well worth the one mile in and back out. Very scenic. Dusty climbed everything we walked by. Other news.......I just got Willie Nelson's Countryman CD and it's pretty dang good if you ask me. Saw my Mema and Papa recently and had some cod at the Crackel Barrel with them. Had a good time. I only see them a few times a year. I love you guys. Football's off to a pretty good start. I got to go to the Arkansas vs Utah State game with my buddy David. Good game. Even better was watching David sit down in a huge wad of gum left in his chair. Carrie and I are cruising through Lost Season Two on DVD before season three begins Oct. 5. We decided to have two regular shows this fall--Lost and Survivor. I guess we like shows on islands and with plenty of drama. Well, those are a few of our recent happenings. Other than that we've been working hard and doing the regular house chores. We've got nephews comin this weekend. New pictures at Ozark Trout Bum (link to right).
At the trailhead.
J-Mill posing behind tree.
Dusty climbing.
HideOut Hollow